Our application is running Postgres 7.4, (working on conversion to 8.3 right now). Our testing involves various forms of violence, including shutting off power and kill -9 postmaster. Occasionally we observe a form of database corruption in which one of the files storing a table or index disappears. The logs will contain ERRORs that look like this: could not open relation "some_table_name": No such file or directory When this happens, and I cross-reference the pg_class.oid with the expected file under PGDATA, the file is missing (and does not appear to be in lost+found). I have fsync set to true, and wal_sync_method set to fsync. A few questions about this: 1) Why is this happening? 2) To help investigate this problem, I've written a script to cross-reference pg_class and the files in PGDATA/base. (I know that I should use pg_class.relfilenode instead of pg_class.oid -- I'll fix that.) The question is how to check for consistency in the case of large tables, which are split into multiple segments, (e.g. 123456.1, 123456.2). I.e., how can I find out how many segments there should be? Any chance it's as simple as (pg_class.relpages + SUITABLE_CONSTANT - 1) / SUITABLE_CONSTANT? Jack