"Kurt Schroeder" <kschroe@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > root@fosstest:/fossology/fossology-0.6.0#./install/usr/local/fossology/test.d/dbcheck > ERROR: Unable to connect to the database > Connection string: 'dbname=fossology local=localhost user=fossy > password=fossy' > Connection status: '1' > ERROR: Failed to open database > Arrgh. Man, that's one unhelpful error message, isn't it :-( Have you tried looking in the postmaster log to see if the server is reporting anything about the failed connection? (Maybe turn on log_connections just to be sure that it should log something.) If there is nothing in the postmaster log, that suggests that the fossology connection isn't going where you think it's going. You might have to resort to strace'ing fossology to see where it's trying to connect to. regards, tom lane ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster