I am attempting to install the Fossology OSS license analysis software on a server running Ubuntu Linux and PostgreSQL. I have gotten to the point where I am at the final install command, and I get an error on a "dbcheck" program that says:
# Checking database connectivity
ERROR: Unable to connect to the database
Connection string: 'dbname=fossology host=localhost user=fossy password=fossy'
Connection status: '1'
ERROR: Failed to open database
ERROR: Database not configured.
Check /usr/local/share/fossology/dbconnect/fossology then re-run the install.
When I cat the file it looks like:
No where in the instructions has it asked me to "configure" the DB except for a few config files that I had to alter:
I changed the /etc/postgresql/8.1/main/pg_hba.conf file to read:
#local all postgres ident sameuser
local all all trust
Then I restarted the server with the command: /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.1 restart
It restarted fine.
Then tried to run the ./install.sh -f again
And I got the same "Database not configured" error again.
Other info that might be relevant:
/etc/passwd contains the following new entries:
fosstest:x:1000:1000:fosstest,,,:/home/fosstest:/bin/bash <= main system user
postgres:x:109:120:PostgreSQL administrator,,,:/var/lib/postgresql:/bin/bash
fossy:x:1001:1001:FOSSology:/srv/fossology:/bin/bash (used to be /bin/false but I changed it to /bin/bash in the hopes that it would work) <= password is fossy
Thanks in advance for your help. Detailed config info can be provided to anyone wishing to help me. Thank you!
Kurt Schroeder