On Fri, 1 Feb 2008, Guy Rouillier wrote:
Kris Jurka wrote:
Unfortunately this error message comes from the server which gets it from
windows. So pljava is at least two steps removed from it, so we're in no
position to improve it. Perhaps the server guys can coax some more details
out of windows.
I looked on archives for both mailing lists and could not find this email
thread. This error happened to me years ago and I don't remember what the
real issue was. Could you point to the actual problem and I'll see if
Windows can identify it?
The problem is that pljava.dll depends on jvm.dll, when jvm.dll is not
available pljava.dll can't be loaded. That problem is true of any shared
library, but it often hits pljava because jvm.dll is in different places
for different people.
That's not the only potential error though. Consider the latest security
releases that adjusted an API that pljava uses. If you try to run a
pljava that was built for 8.2.5 against a 8.2.6 server it won't load
because of missing symbols.
Here's the windows code to open a dll. If there's any way to get more
information out of the error message, we'd love to hear it:
Kris Jurka
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