Tom Lane, 07.11.2007 06:14:
Thomas Kellerer <spam_eater@xxxxxxx> writes:
If everyone simply top-posted, there would be no need for me to scroll down,
just to find a two line answer below a forty line quote - which I personally
find more irritating than top-posting.
I think you're ignoring my basic point, which was that people shouldn't
be quoting forty lines' worth in the first place. *Especially* not if
they only have two lines to contribute.
No, I did get your point.
My point is: with top-posting I don't care how many lines were repeated
because I don't have to scroll.
But this horse has been beat to death before...
Yes, nuff said :)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster