Tom Lane wrote on 06.11.2007 21:21:
The real point here is that when writing to a mailing list, you should
make an effort to conserve other peoples' time. Hundreds of people are
going to read what you wrote, possibly thousands when you count in
people searching the list archives in the future. Saving them a few
seconds apiece adds up fast. Not bothering to expend a minute of your
own time to make it a bit easier on the reader marks you as a boor.
My News/Mail client (Thunderbird) displays all the posts belonging together in a
threaded manner. So I click on the first post, read the posting, click on the
second post, and the first thing I see is the first post repeated (or at least
parts of it).
If everyone simply top-posted, there would be no need for me to scroll down,
just to find a two line answer below a forty line quote - which I personally
find more irritating than top-posting.
But then that may only be me ;)
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend