On Sep 12, 2007, at 3:52 AM, Tino Wildenhain wrote:
Tom Allison schrieb:
On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:49 AM, Tom Allison wrote:
I was able get my database working again.
Never figured out why...
My database data (sorry about the redundancy there) is sitting on
a RAID1 array with LVM and ReiserFS.
I've heard some dissention about the use of ReiserFS and was
No problem with RazorFS if your hardware does not fail. But if...
chances are you have to use your backup.
Alternatively you could use XFS but I'm not sure if it performs
better on failing hardware. I guess not.
Well, when one is looking at hardware failure, the performance
doesn't really matter that much.
Is EXT3 better for dealing with a RAID1 failure?
I know reiserfs does better performance wise, but there's no point in
going fast if you can't steer.
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