On Sep 13, 2007, at 3:02 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:
On Thu, 2007-09-13 at 14:05 -0500, Erik Jones wrote:
If you include the -d option pg_standby will emit logging info on
stderr so you can tack on something like 2>> logpath/standby.log.
What it is lacking, however, is timestamps in the output when it
successfully recovers a WAL file. Was there something more ou were
looking for?
I don't think the timestamps will be a problem, I can always pipe it
through something else.
I think this will work, but it would be nice to have something
that's a
little more well-defined and standardized to determine whether some
of error happens during replay.
Right. The problem there is that there really isn't anything
standardized about pg_standby, yet. Or, if it is, it hasn't been
documented, yet. Perhaps you could ask Simon about the possible
outputs on error conditions so that you'll have a definite list to
work with?
Ultimately, what I'm trying to do is make it so that pgsnmpd can
this, and trap if a problem occurs. In order for pgsnmpd to do this
in a
way that works for a large number of people, it can't make too many
assumptions about logging options, etc.
Erik Jones
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