Hi Andrus,
There are some pretty good PDF docs that would be a good starting point for all of your questions - see http://www.xtuple.org/?q=node/2177. (They're also in the downloads area of the Sourceforge site, but a little hard to find).
Speaking of the downloads, if you check there (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=132959&package_id=146756), you'll see that version 2.2 was released on July 27, 2007 - so I'm not sure what you mean about not being updated in almost a year.
Yes, as of version 2.2, the project is now licensed under LGPL. We heard from a number of people that they weren't comfortable contributing to a dual-licensed product. If you're interested in commercial support, xTuple has a couple of options at www.openrpt.com.
As for the roadmap for the future, I'd encourage you to visit our community site at www.openrpt.org (aka xTuple.org).
On 9/5/2007 1:21 PM Andrus wrote:
Thank you.
How server-side reporting works ?
Will it use some C stored proceure in server ?
In which format rendered report is sent back ?
I need to call it in C#
Where to find example calling OpenRpt in MONO / .NET ?
Is OpenRpt now in LGPL, I havent found any announcment about licence change
Is there any roadmap for future, OpenRpt is not updated almost a year ?
"Ned Lilly" <ned@xxxxxxxxxxxx> kirjutas sõnumis
Try OpenRPT - server side rendering engine, and client-side GUI designer.
On 9/1/2007 7:12 AM Andrus wrote:
I'm looking for a report generator which renders reports in server and
sends rendering result
to client.
any idea ?
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