Andrew Sullivan wrote:
On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 07:15:44PM +0200, Kamil Srot wrote:
OK, I'll drop the full part and do it less often...
This doesn't address your problem, but when you move from VACUUM FULL
to VACUUM, you want to do it _more_ often, not less.
Sure, I ment it like I'll do the FULL vacuum less often than daily and
do daily the plain vacuum command.
But given what you've posted, I am not even a little bit convinced
your script is working as you think it is. You're clearly not
managing to vacuum the entire database sometimes.
Well, I do list all databases with the command "psql -U postgres -l -t"
and with some shell coding I do vacuum all shown databases...
I don't think there is some problem in it...
If you do see some, can you give me a hint?
Thank you,
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