Hello, I am sorry, this mail had to be send only to pgsql-general nice a day Pavel Stehule ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Pavel Stehule <pavel.stehule@xxxxxxxxx> Date: 15.8.2007 8:01 Subject: is this trigger safe and efective? - locking (caching via triiggers) To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Hello I write sample about triggers and i have question. is my solution correct and exists better solution? Regards Pavel Stehule DROP SCHEMA safecache CASCADE; CREATE SCHEMA safecache; CREATE TABLE safecache.source_tbl(category int, int_value int); CREATE TABLE safecache.cache(category int, sum_val int); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION safecache.source_tbl_trg_fce() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN -- row cannot exists in cache -- complication -- I would to finish these transaction without conflict IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT category FROM safecache.cache WHERE category = NEW.category) THEN LOCK TABLE safecache.cache IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; -- I have to repeat test IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT category FROM safecache.cache WHERE category = NEW.category) THEN INSERT INTO safecache.cache VALUES(NEW.category, NEW.int_value); END IF; ELSE -- simple UPDATE safecache.cache SET sum_val = sum_val + NEW.int_value WHERE category = NEW.category; END IF; ELSEIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN -- if category is without change simple IF NEW.category = OLD.category THEN UPDATE safecache.cache SET sum_val = sum_val + (NEW.int_value - OLD.int_value) WHERE category = OLD.category; ELSE -- old category has to exists UPDATE safecache.cache SET sum_val = sum_val - OLD.int_value WHERE category = OLD.category; -- new category is maybe problem IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT category FROM safecache.cache WHERE category = NEW.category) THEN LOCK TABLE safecache.cache IN SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE; -- I have to repeat test IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT category FROM safecache.cache WHERE category = NEW.category) THEN INSERT INTO safecache.cache VALUES(NEW.category, NEW.int_value); END IF; ELSE -- simple, new category exists UPDATE safecache.cache SET sum_val = sum_val + OLD.int_value WHERE category = NEW.category; END IF; END IF; ELSE -- DELETE -- value have to exist in cache, simple UPDATE safecache.cache SET sum_val = sum_val - OLD.int_value WHERE category = OLD.category; END IF; RETURN NEW; END $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER actualise_cache AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON safecache.source_tbl FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE safecache.source_tbl_trg_fce(); ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that your message can get through to the mailing list cleanly