I’ve googled this one and tried everything (except the
correct solution of course) until tears are starting to flow. Please help.
Complete example below. 7.4.13 on suse-64 x86 create table mytable (mystring varchar, myreal real); insert into mytable (mystring,myreal) values ('abc',1.23); insert into mytable (mystring,myreal) values ('def',4.56); create type myrec as (mystring varchar, myreal real); create or replace function myfunc() returns setof myrec as ' declare crec myrec; begin for crec in select * from mytable loop return next crec; end loop; return; end; ' language 'plpgsql'; stdb=# select myfunc(); ERROR: set-valued function called in context that cannot
accept a set CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "myfunc" line 6 at
return next |