am Wed, dem 11.07.2007, um 14:55:28 +0200 mailte Zlatko Matic folgendes: > I have already tried COPY. > But, it has problems with type castings. > For example, COPY operation fails because PostgreSQL can't copy value > 7.844,000 into NUMERIC field... Either copy such values into a temp. table with text-columns and work with arbitrary sql-funktions (you can convert it to numeric with, for instance, regexp_replace('7.844,000',',.*$', '')::numeric) to fill the destination table with the values or work before the COPY with text-lools like sed, awk, perl, ... Andreas -- Andreas Kretschmer Kontakt: Heynitz: 035242/47150, D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: -> Header) GnuPG-ID: 0x3FFF606C, privat 0x7F4584DA