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Better way to handle functions doing inserts into dynamically named tables?

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So, I wrote myself a trigger function that when called will
dynamically create new partition tables and rules so that the first
new record for each partition creates the partition. The only bit that
I wanted to see if there was a a better solution was the actual insert
into the new table at the end of the function. I tried just
reinserting into the main table(meta_data_part) but because of the way
functions are handled it doesn't hit the newly created rules. The
interesting bit, is labeled 'the interesting bit'.

(I've included the whole function in case it's useful to anyone.)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION meta_data_pitf() RETURNS trigger AS $pitf$
   	  month_data varchar;
	  som timestamptz;
	  eom timestamptz;
	  rowdata text;

-- determine the month
  month_data := to_char(NEW.data_time,'YYYY_MM');
  som := date_trunc('month',NEW.data_time);
  eom := date_trunc('month',NEW.data_time + '1 month'::interval);

  BEGIN --exception block
-- create the table
  EXECUTE $tc$CREATE TABLE p_md.md_$tc$||month_data||$tc$
  ( CHECK ( data_time >= '$tc$||som||$tc$' AND data_time < '$tc$||eom||$tc$' )
  ) INHERITS (meta_data_part) ;

-- create the insert rule
  EXECUTE $rc$CREATE OR REPLACE RULE meta_data_pir_$rc$||month_data||$rc$ AS
  ON INSERT TO meta_data_part WHERE
  ( data_time >= '$rc$||som||$rc$' AND data_time < '$rc$||eom||$rc$' )
  DO INSTEAD INSERT INTO p_md.md_$rc$||month_data||$rc$
     VALUES (NEW.*);
     EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_table THEN
     -- dont care

     SELECT NEW INTO rowdata;

-- now the interesting bit
  EXECUTE $ins$INSERT INTO p_md.md_$ins$||month_data||$ins$
  SELECT ($ins$||quote_literal(rowdata)||$ins$::meta_data_part).* ; $ins$;

-- skip the next insert... maybe

$pitf$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;


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