Alvaro Herrera wrote: > > How much is the age decremented by on a vacuum run then? > > It should be decremented to the vacuum_freeze_min_age. However, I'm > running some experiments with your settings and apparently it's not > working as it should. Nah, false alarm, it's working as expected for me. And I see the age of databases being correctly decreased to the freeze min age (plus however many transactions it took to do the vacuuming work). So I'm still at a loss on why is it failing to advance the datfrozenxid of your database. Please let me have a look at this query result while connected to that database: select relname, relfrozenxid from pg_class where relkind in ('r', 't'); You can change the relname to oid if showing the table names is problematic for you. -- Alvaro Herrera Al principio era UNIX, y UNIX habló y dijo: "Hello world\n". No dijo "Hello New Jersey\n", ni "Hello USA\n".