Your information proved very handy.
On 6/27/07, Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> wrote:
Jasbinder Singh Bali escribió:
> Hi,
> i have a column in my table defined like this:
> time_stamp timestamp DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp with time zone
Note that the column is of type timestamp, which _doesn't_ have a time
zone. You probably want
time_stamp timestamp with time zone DEFAULT ('now'::text)::timestamp with time zone
> 1. What is the value after the dot (period) at the end. Like 760133 and
> 90582
> 2. How does it talk about the time zone.
It doesn't because the time zone information is not being stored due to
the datatype issue I mentioned above.
Note: the time zone is not actually stored. What actually happens is
that the value is "rotated" to GMT and stored as a GMT value, and then
when you extract it from the database it is "rotated" to the current
TimeZone for display. If you need to store what time zone a value "is
in" you need to store that information in a separate column.
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.