Hi, I am very new to postgres. So, if I am asking stupid question please forgive me. I installed the postgres, imported the required databases and created the necessary users. When users login using psql, they are required to supply the database name. We are trying to access a postgres database using a data integration tool. This data integration tool have options to specify the hostname, port, userid, and passwd of a database. But there is no way to supply the database name. So, I am thinking to set the database name to each user (default login database) so that they do not need to supply that info when they access data using data integration tool. How can I accomplish that? Thank you. Cheers, Samatha -- Samatha Kottha Zentrum für Informationsdienste und Hochleistungsrechnen (ZIH) Technische Universität Dresden Tel: (+49) 351 463-38776 Room 1019 Fax: (+49) 351 463-38245 Noethnitzer Straße 46 01187 Dresden Germany