Listmail wrote:
loaded by a single application and used by our customers with MS Access,
From by previous job where we had an Access based backoffice
application, you might want to learn enough to be ready to switch to
something better (ie postgres) when you feel the need.
I think you misunderstand what I was describing.
We do use Postgres, our customers use Access as a report generating tool
running off the PG backend. That part I'm not concerned with, we merely
supply the database - which yes was in SQL Server, but I migrated it to
PG late last year.
Access is a booby trap setup by Microsoft to sell SQL server. It
will work well up to a certain point, then die miserably (some of our
web pages were taking minutes to load !).
When this happens many people complain and you usually buy SQL
server to ease the pain.
Or, as we did, you ditch the MS stuff and switch to other tools.
I wasn't in charge of this, so can't say more, but beware of Access.
We leave it up to out customers to decide what reporting tool to use,
most use access for its simple report generation, some use Crystal
Reports, others build web pages that interface to the backend database.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?
Paul Lambert
Technical Support Team Leader and Database Administrator
Level 3, 823 Wellington Street, West Perth, W.A. 6005
Postal: P.O. Box 106, West Perth, W.A. 6872
Ph: 08 9217 5086 Fax: 08 9217 5055
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