I am trying to put my database in recovery mode and I get the following error: =========== LOG: starting archive recovery LOG: restore_command = "/myrestore/pg_restore.sh %f %p" 00000001.history pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY [Main]: Server requested for 00000001.history to be copied to pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY [pg_restore::isWALFileReady]: 1 Available WAL Files [Main]: Request to copy 00000001.history to pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY [pg_restore]::copyWALFile: Moving /mybackup/000000010000000000000001.009352E8.backup to pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY LOG: restored log file "00000001.history" from archive FATAL: syntax error in history file: START WAL LOCATION: 0/19352E8 (file 000000010000000000000001) HINT: Expected a numeric timeline ID. LOG: startup process (PID 12323) exited with exit code 1 LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure =========== In the log above, the logs with [Main] or [pg_restore] is my script which is called by the recovery.conf. The postgres server is asking for 00000001.history file and I do not have that file. All I have is the 0*10*1.009352E8.backup file and other WAL files starting from 0*10*1. In the above case, I move 0*10*1.009352E8.backup pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY. Note that my backup is on a staging area and I can therefore move safely. What am I doing wrong? If I indicate that I do not have the concerned file by returning error code 1, I get the following error in the log: ============ LOG: starting archive recovery LOG: restore_command = "/myrestore/pg_restore.sh %f %p" 00000001.history pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY [Main]: Server requested for 00000001.history to be copied to pg_xlog/RECOVERYHISTORY 00000001000000000000004F pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG [Main]: Server requested for 00000001000000000000004F to be copied to pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG LOG: could not open file "pg_xlog/00000001000000000000004F" (log file 0, segment 79): No such file or directory LOG: invalid primary checkpoint record 00000001000000000000004F pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG [Main]: Server requested for 00000001000000000000004F to be copied to pg_xlog/RECOVERYXLOG LOG: could not open file "pg_xlog/00000001000000000000004F" (log file 0, segment 79): No such file or directory LOG: invalid secondary checkpoint record PANIC: could not locate a valid checkpoint record LOG: startup process (PID 12222) was terminated by signal 6 LOG: aborting startup due to startup process failure LOG: database system was shut down at 2007-03-19 03:33:05 PDT ============== So what am I doing wrong here? Any help in the above matter is greatly appreciated. Regards Dhaval