David Legault wrote:
Concerning the pg_hba.conf file, I don't want to prevent external
connections to the DB as I need all my web apps to connect to them. I was
referring the fact that ROLE A "belongs" to DB G so that I don't want
him to
access anything in DB H for example.
I'd like to be able to create roles that can't connect (not the pg_hba.conf
user configs) to any database except the ones for which they have been
granted the privilege to do so.
So when creating ROLE A, he wouldn't be able to connect [through a PHP call
pg_connect(user, pass, db)] until I explicitly grant him access to the DB
for connexion via GRANT ON DATABASE G TO A.
Then you'll need to add "GRANT CONNECT" for each user/group.
Also check the section on database-specific roles in the manuals
(there's a setting in postgresql.conf that lets you have user@database).
Might be useful.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd