The has_function_privilege(user, function, privilege) is of no use except to check if he has a GRANT on a function but again you need to explicitly name that function and arguments when you REVOKE.
I'll then block everyone on connection, and allocate to new users using the grant options on database.
On 2/21/07,
Richard Huxton <dev@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
David Legault wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way to revoke all privileges of a role without actually
> specifying the whole list of items.
> Like if a role has privileges on FUNCTIONs, is there a REVOKE all
There's no GRANT/REVOKE <perm> ON public.* command format, but there are
plenty of plpgsql functions that do something of the sort.
> Is there a way to check if it has a GRANT in a particular type (CONNECT,
> FUNCTION, TRIGGER) before calling the REVOKE command?
You can wrap it in a function and check the system catalogues or use the
has_xxx_privilege() functions, otherwise no.
> Also, if I do a GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE X TO Y, will Y be able to connect
> to other databases if I haven't given him permission to do so (what is the
> default value when a role is created since roles are global)?
By default all users can connect to all databases. This is limited by
your pg_hba.conf settings and after that by GRANT CONNECT;
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd