There are several Example C++ programs which comes with libpqxx ...
just go through them for creating connection/transaction etc....
If you have struct member alignment problem ... please go through my blog ..
On 21 Dec 2006 10:01:22 -0800, af300wsm@xxxxxxxxx <af300wsm@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello everyone,
If anyone here has, would you please share with me how to create the
connections, perform a query and then iterate over its results? I've
been reading through the online documentation for this library at
and I'm simply not getting what I need. I've looked through the
tutorial and I've gotten enough that I think I can make a connection to
the database. However, I'm just drawing a blank on how to use this
library beyond that.
If you know, or know who I should ask, I'd appreciate it.
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Sandeep Kumar Jakkaraju