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Re: Development of cross-platform GUI for Open Source DBs

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I can't speak for wxPython etc., but regarding using QT from C++, your speed of development depends on your C++ skills. I wrote a full-featured Point of Sale system in Visual Basic that has been in active use for about 4 years. The original development effort (screens, grids, etc.) took about 3 weeks. I got tired of supporting an app that I had to lug out my Windows/VB laptop for, so I decided to port it to C++ so I could develop on my Linux box. I ported the entire thing over to C++/QT in about a week.
QT is *extremely* good.  My speed with developing GUI applications in 
C++ is now on par with my abilities in VB...And I can't think of a tool 
on earth faster than VB for cranking out quick-n-dirty apps :P
The big problem with all the solutions mentioned (besides Delphi, SharpDevelop etc) is that they
take a LOT of time to develop complex GUI applications with.

I looked at Python etc, but it would have taken me 10 times (or more) longer to create Lightning Admin
using something other than Delphi.

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