There are man PDF files out there that outline all of the workings of
postgresql. They are easy to read, but also have 'deep dive'
information in them as well. The PDF's are really valuable, both for
the novice and for those who are experienced.
I'd start there.
Ganbold wrote:
I'm new to postgresql and I'm looking for references and books. We are
usually coding in php/C.
Can somebody recommend me good books which covers Postgresql 8.x?
Which one is worth from following books?
1. PostgreSQL (2nd Edition) by Korry Douglas (Paperback - Jul 26, 2005)
2. Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL: From Novice to Professional,
Second Edition (Beginning from Novice to Professional) by Neil Matthew
and Richard Stones (Paperback - April 6, 2005)
3. Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional by W.
Jason Gilmore and Robert H. Treat (Paperback - Feb 27, 2006)
4. Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL E-Commerce: From Novice to
Professional (Beginning, from Novice to Professional) by Emilian
Balanescu, Mihai Bucica, and Cristian Darie (Paperback - Dec 25, 2006)
5. Beginning PostgreSQL 8 by Edward Lecky-Thompson and Clive Gardner
(Paperback - Sep 25, 2006)
I'm thinking to buy books published in 2006, but maybe I'm wrong.
I appreciate if somebody can point me to the right direction.
Also I'm thinking to convert our mysql db and application to postgresql.
Is there any method to convert mysql db/app to postgresql, maybe at
least DB (tables, indexes, queries)?
Are there any tools that can convert php functions and database from
mysql to postgresql?
thanks in advance,
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
Email: louis.gonzales@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
"Open the pod bay doors HAL!" -2001: A Space Odyssey
"Good morning starshine, the Earth says hello." -Willy Wonka