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Re: duplicate key violates unique constraint

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Ron Johnson wrote:

# select * from projects;
 project_id | username | project_name
- ------------+----------+--------------
          1 | foo      |
          2 | bar      |
(2 rows)

dupe_filenames=# insert into projects (project_name, username )
dupe_filenames-# values ('foo', 'bar');
ERROR:  duplicate key violates unique constraint "projects_pkey"
And you didn't insert records with those numbers by hand (not using the 
sequence)? It seems your sequence is a bit behind, which only happens if 
you don't always use it to generate your ids.
I suggest you check your sequence values and update it to the highest 
value in use if it's too low. You should only need to do that once.
Alban Hertroys

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