On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 09:25:34AM -0400, Ed Brown wrote: > Can someone tell me how the content of the "relacl" column of the > "pg_class" system table is interpreted? The documentation simply states > "Access permissions. See the descriptions of GRANT and REVOKE for > details." Much of the content of this column is obvious from the GRANT > description - "r" = SELECT, "a" = INSERT, etc. But, there are other > parts of the content that are not described. For example, there are > asterisks in the permissions string for some users. These appear to > represent permission with grant option, is this correct? I also can't The GRANT documentation says * -- grant option for preceding privilege > find any information on the data following the slash. For example, in > the "relacl" value "testuser=arwdRxt/csi", what does the "/csi" > represent? Is this the owner of the table? The grantor? Is this > discussed anywhere in the PostgreSQL documentation? The GRANT documentation says /yyyy -- user who granted this privilege Did you overlook those or did you see them and have questions about what they mean? -- Michael Fuhr