Can someone tell me
how the content of the "relacl" column of the "pg_class" system table is
interpreted? The documentation simply states "Access permissions. See the
descriptions of GRANT and REVOKE for details." Much of the content of this
column is obvious from the GRANT description - "r" = SELECT, "a" = INSERT, etc.
But, there are other parts of the content that are not described. For example,
there are asterisks in the permissions string for some users. These appear to
represent permission with grant option, is this correct? I also can't
find any information on the data following the slash. For example, in
the "relacl" value "testuser=arwdRxt/csi", what does the "/csi" represent? Is
this the owner of the table? The grantor? Is this discussed anywhere in the
PostgreSQL documentation?
Thanks in advance
for any replies.