On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 06:16:41AM +0300, gustavo halperin wrote: > *OK thank you, you right, but after write "public" I receive again an > empty row, Why??. [...] > mydb=> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_describe_tables (v_tbl_scm text, > v_tbl_name text, > mydb(> OUT text, OUT text) as > mydb-> $$ SELECT c.column_name, c.data_type > mydb$> FROM information_schema.columns c > mydb$> WHERE c.table_schema = 'v_tbl_schm' AND c.table_name = 'v_tbl_name' > mydb$> $$ LANGUAGE SQL; You've hardcoded the strings 'v_tbl_schm' and 'v_tbl_name' instead of using the function's arguments. I don't think SQL functions support named arguments so you'll need to use $1 and $2. You'll also need to use "RETURNS SETOF record" if you want to return more than one row. -- Michael Fuhr