Ron St-Pierre wrote:
Check your spelling of public:
SELECT * FROM f_describe_tables('pubilc', 'mil_cien_diez');
*OK thank you, you right, but after write "public" I receive again an
empty row, Why??.
By the way I wrote a short function:*
/mydb=> SELECT c.column_name, c.data_type
mydb-> FROM information_schema.columns c
mydb-> WHERE c.table_schema = 'public' AND c.table_name = 'mil_cien_diez';
column_name | data_type
miles | smallint
cientos | smallint
decenas | smallint
(3 rows)
mydb=> CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION f_describe_tables (v_tbl_scm text,
v_tbl_name text,
mydb(> OUT text, OUT text) as
mydb-> $$ SELECT c.column_name, c.data_type
mydb$> FROM information_schema.columns c
mydb$> WHERE c.table_schema = 'v_tbl_schm' AND c.table_name = 'v_tbl_name'
mydb$> $$ LANGUAGE SQL;
mydb=> SELECT * FROM f_describe_tables('public', 'mil_cien_diez');
column1 | column2
(1 row)