Vivek Khera wrote:
if you want to use the freebsd ports system (which is advisable) don't
fight against it. use the recommended/defaults where you can.
I wasn't trying to fight it. It's just that the port disagrees with the
PG documentation and apparently most other ports. The maintainer said
it was for backward compatibility but it's apparently only a FreeBSD
"phenomenom" :-)
What I do, though, is set the PostgreSQL super user to be 'postgres' and
let the unix system user remain 'pgsql' since the latter doesn't matter
one bit. This is trivially done by altering the ~pgsql/.profile file
and adding PGUSER=postgres and exporting that variable. Do this *before*
you init the DB, then run initdb with this comand:
su - pgsql -c 'initdb -U postgres'
From now on, any upgrades you do will no longer be so painful.
That sounds reasonable. I'll give it a try. Thanks.