Dylan Hansen <dhansen@xxxxxxxxx> writes: > Since we've started using the pg_autovacuum table we've come to > realize that keeping OID values between our database dumps is > critical. I've been doing some testing using the pg_dump command > with the --oids option. --oids is only meant to preserve OIDs within user tables; it never has and never will preserve OIDs for system-catalog entries. The real problem here is pg_autovacuum, which doesn't have any dump/restore support at the moment. This is because we stuck it into 8.1 at the last minute and aren't yet convinced it will survive in its current form. It strikes me that a relatively trivial hack would make it easier to dump and restore pg_autovacuum manually using COPY: change the declared type of the vacrelid column to "regclass". This would make no difference to the internal use of the table, but it'd cause COPY to emit the column values in a symbolic format that would restore correctly. regards, tom lane