"Philippe Lang" <philippe.lang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes: > I have to install PGSQL 7.4.13 under RH Linux Entreprise Server 4, and I can > apparently use either the rpm "postgresql-XXXX-7.4.13-1PGDG.i686.rpm" from > the Postgresql Development Group, or use the rpm > "postgresql-XXXX-7.4.13-2.RHEL4.1.i386" from Redhat itself. > What is the best to do? They are the same thing to within measurement error ;-). Or at least, if you find an important difference, feel free to tell off Devrim or me respectively. But I agree with Alan's point: if you are running RHEL at all, it's probably because you want Red Hat support, and Red Hat won't support RPMs not built by Red Hat. regards, tom lane