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Re: help plpgsql, cursors, fetch into

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Yes, it sure looks like a bug, this function used to work before, besides I have another function that's pretty similar and it works.

Anyway, I did an script creating new tables and functions, and the function worked. I also found that in the original function i had another sentence which is the one causing the problem...but only in the original function, in the new function I created using the script, it doesn't cuase problems.

This is the original function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Asignar_test(id_solicitud integer) RETURNS integer[] AS $$
curs1 refcursor;
taxi_id numeric;
punto geometry;
radio float;
asignados integer[];
tipotax varchar(1);
i integer;
SELECT posicion,tipo INTO punto,tipotax FROM solicitud_test WHERE id_solicitud=id;
   radio :=0.002;
WHILE (SELECT id FROM taxi_test WHERE posicion && Expand(punto,0.1) AND Distance(punto,posicion) < radio AND tipo_taxi like tipotax AND estado = 'l' LIMIT 1) is null AND radio < 1 LOOP
       radio := radio + 0.002;
    curs1 := cercanos_test(punto, radio, tipotax);
       FETCH curs1 INTO taxi_id;
       asignados[i] := taxi_id;
UPDATE taxi SET estado = 'p' where id = taxi_id;
   CLOSE curs1;
   RETURN asignados;
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';

The function works again when I delete the UPDATE sentence.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Tom Lane" <tgl@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Mauricio Mantilla" <mauriciomantilla@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <pgsql-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 11:26 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] help plpgsql, cursors, fetch into

Mauricio Mantilla <mauriciomantilla@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
Hi, I'm having a problem with FETCH INTO, but I can't figure out what it is.

That kinda looks like a bug.  Which PG version are you using exactly?
Could you provide a self-contained test case (ie, a script to create
the needed tables and sample data)?

regards, tom lane

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