> Second, make sure that you have the correct version of mstsc. mstsc /? > will tell you if your current client supports the /console parameter. > (If it doesn't, it'll silently eat it and ignore it) I think I use mstsc from XP SP2 mstsc /? returns --------------------------- Usage --------------------------- Remote Desktop Connection MSTSC [<Connection File>] [/v:<server[:port]>] [/console] [/f[ullscreen]] [/w:<width> /h:<height>] | /Edit"ConnectionFile" | /Migrate | /? <Connection File> -- specifies the name of an .rdp file for the connection. /v:<server[:port]> -- specifies the terminal server to which you want to connect. /console -- connects to the console session of a server. /f -- Starts the client in full-screen mode. /w:<width> -- specifies the width of the Remote Desktop screen. /h:<height> -- Specifies the height of the Remote Desktop screen. /edit -- Opens the specified .rdp file for editing. /migrate -- migrates legacy connection files that were created with Client Connection Manager to new .rdp connection files. /? -- generates this Usage message. --------------------------- OK --------------------------- So /console switch seems to be supported. However, in Windows 2003 server Postgres installer still says that I must run in console session. Any idea why ? Andrus.