I've dumped a 7.4.5 database using pg_dump and when I used the result via pgAdmin v1.4.2 on a remote 7.4.11 server, I get an error:- ERROR: syntax error at or near "45183" at character 5848 and the offending code is:- COPY jobs (job_id, client_id, title, start_date, final_date, approver1_id, approver2_id) FROM stdin; 45183 1634 Cataloguer 2001-04-18 2001-05-08 \N \N 45800 1634 Local Studies Librarian 2002-02-18 2002-11-12 \N \N \. Why is pg_dump generating offending code? Are there any special options that I must use with pg_dump to make this code executeable? Chris -- Chris Velevitch Manager - Sydney Flash Platform Developers Group www.flashdev.org.au