Jimbo1 wrote:
Hello there, I'm a freelance Oracle Developer by trade (can almost hear the boos now ;o)), and am looking into developing my own Snowboarding-related website over the next few years. Anyway, I'm making some decisions now about the site architecture, and the database I'm going to need is obviously included. If my site works out, I'm expecting reasonably heavy traffic, so want a database that I'm confident can cope with it. It is out of the question for me to use Oracle, although I am a (biased) 'fan' of that RDBMS. I definitely need to go for a cheaper route, and to that end I'm looking at either MySQL or PostgreSQL.
If Oracle is out of the question, so is MySQL. The technology that makes MySQL even reasonably close to production OLTP quality is owned by Oracle ;) (Innodb and BDB). Sincerely, Joshua D. Drake