On Feb 15, 2006, at 12:50 PM, Aaron Griffin wrote:
I have two large databases of addresses (street name and number,
postal code and municipality). I need to match the addresses to
varify that they actually do exist. has anyone done this before
with pgAdmin?
I doubt they've done it entirely with pgadmin.
If your addresses are all normalised already then this is a fairly
basic SQL
If they're not normalised then you have an entirely different
problem, and
you'll need to do a normalisation pass (I suspect you have the expertise
in-house to do that, given you work for an address database provider,
if not you might try melissadata.com).
Which of those is the case? If it's the former then if you post the
descriptions someone can probably point you in the right direction. If
you could be a bit more specific about what you mean by "match"
that would help.