I don't think you can create users *inside* a database, but for each
you can create global users and make them members of a group having the same
name than your database.
Then, in pg_hba.conf, the folllowing line will give to your users the
permission to
connect to the database they belong :
host samegroup all md5
Philippe Ferreira.
Hi all,
I have a faint memory of it being possible to create users
"inside" *one* given database by way of a particular "create
user" syntax along the lines of:
create user newuser@thisdb ...;
or similar.
Was this ever possible in PostgreSQL or is my memory playing
tricks on me ? I went back through the manuals all the way
to 6.5 and searched archives.postgresql.com/Google, alas, to
no avail.
I am aware that I can (and should) restrict users to
databases by way of pg_hba and friends.