ALTER TABLE foo ALTER COLUMN bar SET STATISTICS n; ..... I wonder what are the implications of using this statement, I know by using, say n=100, ANALYZE will take more time, pg_statistics will be bigger, planner will take longer time, on the other hand it will make better decisions... Etc, etc. I wonder however when it is most uselful to bump it up. Please tell me what you think about it: Is bumping up statistics is only useful for indexed columns? When is it most useful/benefitial to bump them up: 1) huge table with huge number of distinct values (_almost_ unique ;)) 2) huge table with relatively equally distributed values (like each value is in between, say, 30-50 rows). 3) huge table with unequally distributed values (some values are in 1-5 rows, some are in 1000-5000 rows). 4) huge table with small number values (around ~100 distinct values, equally or uneqally distributed). 5) boolean column. I think SET STATISTICS 100 is very useful for case with unequally distributed values, but I wonder what about the other cases. And as a side note -- what are the reasonable bounds for statistics (between 10 and 100?) What are the runtime implications of setting statistics too large -- how much can it affect queries? And finally -- how other RDBMS and RDBM-likes deal with this issue? :) Regards, Dawid