codeWarrior wrote:
SELECT trim(trailing ' ' from city_name) AS city_name FROM sys_cities;
You might consider reading the manual as there are a multitude of string
manipulation functions built into postgreSQL....
You didn't answer his question. If you're going to rag on someone for
not reading the manual, at least you could read what he's asking.
"Pierre Couderc" <pierre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
In a WHERE clause, I want to to compare strings ignoring the spaces inside
them. Is therd a function to do that? I do not find it in the
SELECT ... WHERE (ignore_spaces(table.phone_number) ~* igore_spaces(?));
would be fine but ignore_space() does not exist!
Maybe there is a solution based on regular epxression, but I do not see
I don't see a way to do it through regular expressions, either, though
in the phone number case, you could split the phone number into
different columns based on area code, whatever the middle group is
called, and whatever the last group is called. Or you could remove the
spaces before inserting and comparing, or write a function with pl/perl
or something. With perl's greater regular expression control, it would
probably be a one liner.
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