SELECT trim(trailing ' ' from city_name) AS city_name FROM sys_cities; You might consider reading the manual as there are a multitude of string manipulation functions built into postgreSQL.... "Pierre Couderc" <pierre@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message news:djidc4$2hgk$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx > In a WHERE clause, I want to to compare strings ignoring the spaces inside > them. Is therd a function to do that? I do not find it in the > documentation. > > SELECT ... WHERE (ignore_spaces(table.phone_number) ~* igore_spaces(?)); > > would be fine but ignore_space() does not exist! > Maybe there is a solution based on regular epxression, but I do not see > it. ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings