Onyx wrote:
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know if PostgreSQL supports running on dual processors, and
will efficiently utilize the dual processors for performance? More
specifically, will PostgreSQL utilize the dual processor performance of
using dual-core AMD chips? Any information would be helpful...
We've got a 2x265 production server that runs like gangbusters. This was
a CPU drop-in replacement upgrade so we were able to do some simple
testing of 1x265 versus 2x244 (both setups w/ 2 1.8GHz cores). The 1x265
was faster in pretty much everything we threw at it by 10%-15%. I
suspect the performance difference of a 2x265 versus a 4x844 would be
even greater due to the big latency hit in a 4 socket Opteron system.
Expect to need to upgrade to later Linux cores though. Previous kernel
on this server was 2.6.9+ (FC3 64-bit) -- promptly kernel panic'd upon
install of the DCs. FC3 installer did the same thing. Went to FC4
(2.6.11+) and it has run perfect for the past 3 months. We'll probably
do a yum update to 2.6.13+ to take advantage of the better NUMA code now
that we've successfully done this update on a less critical server.
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TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings