If ibatis can catch the exception in the program, rollback will work
fine. Could the failure of the transaction in ibatis because of the
network lost or tomcat server shutting down during the procedure.
For instance, in java program
set autocommit = false;
insert ... // step1
update ... //step2
/* Error */
Network lost to DB server or Tomcat server unexceptly shutting down?
delete //step3
Could it because of the communication interrupt between the Web Server
and DB server during the atomic transaction? As a result, step1 & step2
runs successfully in Database, while step3 failed. Also, rollback failed?
On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 14:59, Emi Lu wrote:
We are using (struts) ibates to run the transaction. We already setup
autocommitte = false, and put insert, update, delete into one
transaction. However, we found data were not rollback successfully.
Moreover, in our atomic transaction, some operations are not finished
successfull, but the data are not rollback.
Your inputs are very welcomed!
I would tend to think it's either a bug in struts or jdbc or you're
making some mistake somewhere. I'm not familiar with struts and
postgresql together.
You might try logging ALL your SQL statements and seeing what is
actually being sent back and forth between struts / java and postgresql.
Not sure what else to do, as I use libpq to access postgresql, meaning
no layer between my app and pgsql, like with jdbc / struts.
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