Thank you, John!
I misunderstood you the first time, but I now see we have the same thing
in mind.
So you'd have most of your data in a main table:
create table observations (
obsID integer primary key, -- Maybe a BIGINT
temperature float,
and some other "compressed" tables for those features that have long
runs of repetitive values:
create table obsYears (
startObs integer primary key references observations
endObs integer references observations (obsID),
year integer);
create table obsStations (
startObs integer primary key references observations
endObs integer references observations (obsID),
stationID integer);
(Caution, I haven't checked these for syntax.) I've introduced an
observation ID, and then I have "compressed" tables that map =ranges=
of these IDs to values that are constant for long stretches. Each
year occupies only one row, same with each station.
One complication: Applying the observation ID you're in effect ordering
the rows. If you order them chronologically, "year" is perfectly lined
up, giving you one row pr. value in your compressed table, but e.g.
"month" will be split up in n_years*12 stretches of obsIDs, and
"station_id" may not have any continuous stretches of obsIDs at all. I
don't see any solution to this, but better compression can be achieved
by ordering rows optimally when applying the obsID. The reply to Tom
Lane in my previous post suggested one way to do this - it may not
always be optimal, but at least it's simple.
Now you can do queries like this, say, for temperature statistics in a
particular year:
select avg(temperature), stddev(temperature) from observations,
where obsID between startObs and endObs
and year = 2001;
This works! I had not yet realized how to make this connection between
two tables, so that was a major help - thank you.
You could join in other compressed tables in the same way. In fact,
you could glue them all together with a VIEW, and you'd be able to
treat the whole thing like one giant table, with much of the
redundancy removed.
That is exactly what I want, and now I finally see how to do it (I
think!). However, it is a considerable amount of work to set this up
manually, plus, it has been a headache realizing how to get there at
all. I'm hoping that one or more of the developers think it would be a
good idea for PostgreSQL to perform an internal table optimization
process using run-length encoding. Imagine you could just throw all your
data into one table, run OPTIMIZE TABLE and you'd be done. With SQL
being all about tables I'm surprised this idea (or something even
better) hasn't been implemented already.
Poul Jensen
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings