On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 03:49:23PM +0200, Zlatko Mati? wrote: > Hello. > > I will install a database on a remote server. There is pg_hba.config file that should be adjusted to protect from unauthorized access. It requires IP adresses. > Now, I would like to be able to connect to the server from my personal computer, in order to do some maintenance job on the database remotely. I don't have my personal IP adress till now. So, I'm wondering whether it would be possible to connect through some web hosting that offers fixed IP adress to its customers? I would adjust pg_hba to allow access from that IP adress... > How can I connect to remote server from a remote personal computer without its own IP adress ? > Thanks in advance, pg_hba.conf allows you to allow access from ranges of IP addresses and to require different levels of authentication. You could allow access to your user from anywhere on the 'net (or, better, the address range your ISP allocates your dialup address from) and require a good password. Using SSL would make that connection more secure, and you may even be able to require a client certificate. Or you could just do the standard thing for remote access and use ssh to connect to the server, then run psql from the commandline. (You could port forward over ssh too, but if you're using psql for maintenance - and you should be - that doesn't provide much added value). Cheers, Steve ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend