I'm currently trying to install a set of Perl modules that interact with
a particular SQL schema (bioperl-db with BioSQL, if anyone is familiar
with them), and am running into a problem that appears to be emergent
with 8.0.3.
I myself am still very new to PostgreSQL, so I'm having trouble telling
if there is anything wrong with the postgres transaction that is being
attempted by the bioperl-db maketest. The verbose error output is as
preparing SELECT statement: SELECT SUBSTRING(seq FROM ? FOR ?) FROM
biosequence WHERE bioentry_id = ?
ok 30
ok 31
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: invalid escape string
HINT: Escape string must be empty or one character.
CONTEXT: SQL function "substring" statement 1
DBD::Pg::st fetchall_arrayref failed: no statement executing
not ok 32
...At first one of the bioperl-db developers thought that the error
might be from the absence of a space between the '?' and 'FOR', but this
was corrected and yet the error persists. Can anyone tell me if any
part of that SELECT statement looks erroneous?
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