I am trying RAMFS solution with Postgres wherein I am pushing the most
heavily used tables in RAM.
I have 32GB RAM on a 64 bit opteron machine. My database size is 40GB. I
think Linux allows max. of 16GB (half of available RAM) to be used directly
to push tables to it.
I am concerned about reliabilty here (what if there is a power failure).
What are the things that need to be considered and what all can be done to
ensure that there is no data loss in case something goes wrong. What steps
must be taken to ensure data recovery. I am planning to use Slony
replication to replicate my database to a diff node so that incase something
goes wrong, I can restore it from replication node and start my runs on that
data again. The only problem here is that I need to run engines from
beginning. Is there any other way of doing the same thing or such a thing is
good enough given the fact that a failure like this happens very rarely. The
most imp. thing for me is the **data** which should not be lost under any
Has anyone used Slony replication before. How good is it. Is there anything
else available which is better then Slony Replication?
Vinita Bansal
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