Richard Huxton wrote:
O.B. wrote:
Here's additional information from the log file surrounding the
problem with initdb failing:
Action 18:10:09: SetPermissions. Setting filesystem permissions...
MSI (s) (2C:AC) [18:10:09:323]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (2C:30) [18:10:09:339]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI50.tmp, Entrypoint: SetPermissions@4
MSI (s) (2C:AC) [18:10:12:619]: Executing op:
ActionStart(Name=RunInitdb,Description=Initializing database cluster
(this may take a minute or two)...,)
Action 18:10:12: RunInitdb. Initializing database cluster (this may
take a minute or two)...
MSI (s) (2C:AC) [18:10:12:619]: Executing op:
MSI (c) (40:58) [18:10:15:556]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Error
MSI (c) (40:58) [18:10:15:556]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Error 4: SELECT
`Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 2888
DEBUG: Error 2888: Executing the TextStyle view failed
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this
package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code
is 2888. The arguments are: TextStyle, ,
Presumably this is the problem.
If no-one seems to know here, perhaps try the windows installer project.
They will be able to tell you what can cause this error.
I just installed PostgreSQL 8.0 with the "service" registration option
disabled and tried to execute the following and it fails with the same
runas.exe /env /user:DA15666\postgres "C:\PostgreSQL\8.0\bin\initdb.exe
-D C:\PostgreSQL\8.0\data"
So the problem is not with the installer but either with initdb or how
my system is configured. Help?
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