O.B. wrote:
O.B. wrote:
I'm attempting to install PostgreSQL v8.0.3 on a Windows XP SP2
machine. The error log below is generated and the installation rolls
back. I have verified that the "postgres" user (service account) has
read/write/execute permissions to the entire C: drive as well as
having the "logon as service" right enabled. What's missing?
So I take it that no response means that the PostgreSQL installer does
not work with Windows XP SP2?
AFAIK it works fine, but I don't use it myself. Your original message
didn't seem to say anything that would let you judge the cause of the
problem. The only oddity was the apparent low value for shared_buffers.
That might be perfectly normal for Windows though.
Here's additional information from the log file surrounding the problem
with initdb failing:
Action 18:10:09: SetPermissions. Setting filesystem permissions...
MSI (s) (2C:AC) [18:10:09:323]: Executing op:
MSI (s) (2C:30) [18:10:09:339]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL:
C:\WINDOWS\Installer\MSI50.tmp, Entrypoint: SetPermissions@4
MSI (s) (2C:AC) [18:10:12:619]: Executing op:
ActionStart(Name=RunInitdb,Description=Initializing database cluster
(this may take a minute or two)...,)
Action 18:10:12: RunInitdb. Initializing database cluster (this may take
a minute or two)...
MSI (s) (2C:AC) [18:10:12:619]: Executing op:
MSI (c) (40:58) [18:10:15:556]: Note: 1: 2205 2: 3: Error
MSI (c) (40:58) [18:10:15:556]: Note: 1: 2228 2: 3: Error 4: SELECT
`Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 2888
DEBUG: Error 2888: Executing the TextStyle view failed
The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this
package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code
is 2888. The arguments are: TextStyle, ,
Presumably this is the problem.
If no-one seems to know here, perhaps try the windows installer project.
They will be able to tell you what can cause this error.
Richard Huxton
Archonet Ltd
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