On 05/26/2005 06:08:00 PM, Devrim GUNDUZ wrote:
AFAICS from the user requests, many people is not aware about the
compatibility RPM we built:
is the compatibility RPM that fixes the problem which arose with
PostgreSQL 8.0.2 . With 8.0.2, the major number of libpq was bumped,
all software that depends on libpq.so.3 failed/or needed to be
I would like to compile this for my architecture from source.
Could you please tell me where the source rpm is?
(I can't seem to find a pointer to this rpm anywhere
but in this email. Is there a web page/ftp site?)
Karl <kop@xxxxxxxx>
Free Software: "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
-- Robert A. Heinlein
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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings